In an ever growing, ever connected digital age, we seem incapable of letting go of our phones. Crackberries have evolved to iPhones...studies show that we are losing social skills, that social media might increase violence and apathy, but then I hear on NPR yesterday that social media is actually increasing empathy, while also increasing narcissism.
Makes sense.
Anyways the whole point of this post was just for me to be able to write about my love/hate relationship with Instagram. I love seeing photographs from all over the world; perspectives from strangers or friends I normally wouldn't be privy to. The only real complaint I have are "myspace" photos. Basically half naked, or sometimes just plain naked photos people post to garner more followers.
Not a fan.
But sometimes I see updates that awe...that inspires.
Example? @TIMKEMPLE.
You should check out his work! Nothing beats a notification on your phone that you think will be some boring update/message. But then...BAM...its a beautiful photo from Chamonix!
My closest friends know how much music means to me. I've always associated "my music" with the influences of my life.
Olympia, Washington.
I was 9 years old.
My uncle who was just a few years older than me exposed me to American music. Until then, I never really listened to music, perhaps a little classical when my parents had it on.
The move to America was the first of many to come, and with each move came a greater appreciation for music. Each track would engrave a love for the people and places that I would rely on to become the person I am today.
We will see how long this lasts, but today I've decided its about time to write down some of these connections between music, people, and places.
It would make sense to choose a Boyz to Men song especially since it was the first album I bought and it was one of my earliest exposure to American music, but I've decided to go with something a little different.
We played this song in marching band...yeah yeah I know...MARCHING BAND? But it was a great arraignment. I can still hear Erik's trumpet belting the melody. The ability to make music was such an instrumental part of allowing me to fit in, and make friends every time I moved. It was music that introduced me to Jae, Erik, Chris, Shannon, Erica, Trisha, Erin, the list goes on and on. And Mr. C, who has since passed away, is still to this day one of the mentors who have influenced me the most.
"They should drop him off in the middle of the Middle East,
and let them handle it!" "They should really make him pay!" are
the comments I've heard from friends regarding the man behind the YouTube video
INNOCENCE OF MUSLIMS. Though hatred and intolerance is an everyday occurrence,
I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in how people around the world
have reacted this week to the ugliness that surrounds them.
Though some might make hurtful, negative, offensive, or outright
false claims, our reactions carry just as much weight and consequence. I tried
telling a friend my experience viewing Sam Bacile's film. It's downright awful.
But I've seen worse in anti-Semitic and anti-Mormon materials. I’ve heard worse
Anti-“JAP” comments growing up as well. Do these negative and ugly comments warrant
violence or rioting? And should any governing body or extensions thereof
apologize or take any stance on this latest of offensive video posted on
YouTube? I personally think NO to both of those questions. Sure, I don’t always
agree with people that think every Japanese person is clueless about the war
crimes Japan committed against the Chinese…I could try to explain what I have
learned, and what I know, but in the end all I can do is try to reason, and if
that doesn’t work, just smile and move on.
I came across this article today in the WSJ article. It pointed out that, "After
the debut of "The Book of Mormon" musical, the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints responded with this statement: 'The production may attempt
to entertain audiences for an evening but the Book of Mormon as a volume of
scripture will change people's lives forever by bringing them closer to
Whether in Japan, China, Libya, or America there will be hatred,
intolerance, etc. All I can do is hope people will take sec before posting
things online, but I also hope people will also reflect before countering. And
yes, this includes myself…since sometimes I too “shoot before I aim.”
On Sunday night I was invited to a potluck and found myself in a house full of Chinese people, followed by an appearance at surprise birthday party for another Chinese friend. While wonderful food, desserts, and drinks were shared over the latest gossip, a few of us couldn't help but reflect on the stark contrast in the current situation half way around the world.